An envelope arrives at the hotel room of an Academic with a photo of a woman inside. By chance he meets the woman, fearing her life is in danger he plans to save her before the hitman gets to her.
Genre: Drama Thriller
Cast: Fabien Lucciarini, Mouna Bouchouk
Language: English & French
Produced by: Quirky Motion

Éluder is available on Amazon in some regions and has also featured in a number of international film festivals, including Cannes Short Film Corner, Concours de scénario du Festival Du Cinéma Européen Script contest, Los Angeles Thriller Suspense Film Festival, Salento Finibus Terrae Film Festival, Festival del Cinema di Cefalù, Frame by Sound Festival, Vents Magazine Screenplay Contest, Lift-Off Sessions Festival at Pinewood Studios, Nicomedia Film Awards, Festival Angaelica, All Lights India International Film Festival, Grand IndieWise Festival, Industry Boost Competition, Second Asia International (Wenzhou) Micro-Film Exhibition, Brownsville International Film Festival, San Mauro Film Festival, Post Mortem International Horror & Bizarre Short Film Fest, Link International Film Festival, Fanboy Film Festival, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival, Crossroads Film Festival, Cineplay Film Awards, Cine Hub, Wiper Film Festival, Digital Box Office, Las Vegas Global Film Fest, GeoFilm Festival & Expocinema.
• Best Thriller Winter 2023
Nicomedia Film Awards
• Best Thriller (Audience Award)
Los Angeles Thriller Suspense Film Festival
• Festival del Cinema di Cefalù
Semi-Finalist & Honorable Mention
• Cineplay Film Awards
Honorable Mention
• Las Vegas Global Film Fest
• Grand IndieWise Festival +
• Industryboost Competition
• San Mauro Film Festival
• Link International Film Festival
"Simeon Lumgair's Éluder is smart, slick and stylish too. Watch it for its engaging tale and a brilliant climax."
Surabhi Redkar, Film Critic
"Bravo il regista Simeon Lumgair a cogliere lo stato d`animo e i pensieri di entrambi i personaggi e a trasmetterli agli spettatori...Un buon lavoro da guardare con piacere."
Dr. Daniele Buzzurro, Film Critic
"I really enjoyed this short by Simeon Lumgair. Watch Éluder."
Andrea Thompson, Film Critic
"It’s a stylish piece of work, from the classy Hitchcockian title animation to the soft focus glow of the lighting."
Benedict Seal, Film Critic
"We loved your film ÉLUDER, and so did a lot of the viewers. Several people came up to me after we showed your film to tell me how great it was."